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Google VR Quick Start
In this part of the Google VR Quick Start, we will go over setting up your UE4 project so that it can be used with Google VR.
Once the UE4 Editor has loaded, from the Main Toolbar, open the Edit tab and select the Plugins menu item.
Inside of the Plugins menu, go the Virtual Reality section and make sure that Google VR is enabled.
The Google VR plugin should be enabled by default. If it is not enabled, it can be enabled by clicking on the checkmark box next to Enabled. When you do this will be prompted to restart the UE4 Editor so that the changes can take place. Failing to re-start the UE4 editor after enabling the Google VR plugin could result in the plugin not working correctly.
Inside of the Content Browser create a new Material, named MAT_Floor and open it up by double-clicking on it.
Inside the Material Graph, add a Constant Material Expression node with a value of 0.5 and plug it's output into the Base Color input and then press the Apply button to compile the Material.
Drag the Mat_Floor Material from the Content Browser to the Floor static mesh that is placed in the level to apply the Material to the Static Mesh.
From the Main Toolbar, select the File option and then click on the Save option to bring up the Save Level As window.
From the Save Level As window under the Name section, name the level EntryLevel and then press the Save button.
Back on the Main Toolbar select the Edit menu option and then select the Project Settings menu option.
From the Project Settings menu go to the Maps Modes section and under the Default Maps section, change the Editor Startup Map and Game Default Map to the EntryLevel map to make sure that the EntryLevel map is the map that will be loaded when the project is run.
Back in the Project Settings, under the Target Hardware section, make sure that Target Hardware class has been set to Mobile / Tablet and the graphics level set to Scalable 3D or 2D.
If you see the Restart Editor button under the Pending Changes section make sure to press it to re-start the editor so the changes that are made will be applied. Failing to do this could result in your project not working with Google VR.
In the Rendering section make sure that Mobile HDR is disabled as this is necessary for correct stereoscopic rendering.
Under the Input section in the Mobile category, remove the DefaultVirtualJoysticks from the Default Touch Interface by clicking on the small white triangle next to the DefaultVirtualJoysticks and selecting the Clear option from the drop-down list.
In the Platforms section under the Android section press the Configure Now button in the APKPackaging and Google Play Services sections to ensure that our project can .
Under the APKPackaging section change the Minimum SDK Version and Target SDK Version to 21 and enable the Enable FullScreen Immersive on KitKat and above devices option to hide any on-screen buttons that would otherwise be visible when the project is viewed in a VR headset.
In the Advanced APKPackaging section and enable the Configure GoogleVR for sustained performance mode option.
Sustained Performance: Puts the device into sustained performance mode, which throttles performance to a level where the performance will not overheat the device, causing vastly decreased performance. It is recommended that you enable this for apps that are meant to be run for significant periods of time.
In the Android SDK section under the SDKConfig section set both the SDK API Level and NDK API Level to android-21 instead of their defaults to ensure that your project will be compiled against the most recent Android SDK.
In the next section of the Google VR Quick Start, we will go over what you have to do to package your UE4 project so it will run on a Google VR device.
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