Unity checks whether updates are available. This check happens either when Unity is started, or when you choose the Help->Check for Updates menu item. The update check sends the current Unity revision number (the five digit number that appears in brackets after the version name in the About Unity dialog) to the update server where is it compared with the most-up-to-date released version. If a newer version of Unity is available the following dialog is shown:
窗口显示当统一更新到最新版本。点击下载新版本按钮将要采取的网站,你可以下载新的版本。 检查更新的频率来自服务器的响应也包含一个时间间隔,这表明在未来的更新应检查。这允许更新检查将较少时,统一不期待更新可用。 跳过更新版本如果你在项目中,你可能不想更新到新版本的统一。点击“跳过此版本按钮在Unity编辑器更新检查对话框将防止团结告诉你关于这个更新。 禁用更新检查It is not possible to disable the check for updates. The Check For Updates tick box on the dialog controls whether you are notified of updates (if they are available) when Unity starts. Even if you have unticked the Check for Updates option you can still check for updates by using the Help->Check for Updates menu item.