CCIE VOice语音 新版CIPT1 - 思科IP电话管理及部署2,UCCM8.x部署
CIPT1中文视频 - 思科IP电话管理及部署2,讲解UCCM8.x的部署要点,快快随大师的脚步一起前进吧!
课程目录:全集持续十天,共二十一讲day1: dial-plan
dial-plan, srnd7, sip phone register and dial-rule, user input
dial-plan elements, route-pattern fields, CMC/FAC, new features
day2: globalize
srnd8, "+" sign, local route-group, local route-group demo lab, transformation
calling party transformation pattern, called party transformation pattern, demo
day3: SAF
globalize and localize review, incoming calling party number prefix, calling type
application in cfur, application in teho, SAF components and protocols in srnd8
day4: CCD
SAF operation, CME SAF client and CCD configuration, SAF dnDB
CUCM SAF client and CCD configuration, h323-ICT, RTMT learned pattern
day5: SRST
multisite review, centralized deployment, srst lab, srst configuration
mgcp fallback, srst CFUR and local route group, srst routing configuration
day6: Media resources
srst in cme mode, auto-provision, srst update in UC8, srsX, srst capability
media resources, MOH, CFB, conference introduction, IOS HW CFB, MRG, MRGL
day7: CAC
bandwidth management, call admission control, location based CAC, region and codec
hub-spoken topo, full-mesh topo, rsvp based CAC, rsvp message
day8: AAR
rsvp configuration and reservation, rsvp agent, rsvp mtp registration
CFNB, AAR, AAR group, routing rematch,
day9: Device mobility and Extension mobility
device mobility, device mobility decision tree, DMI, PL, DMG, home and roaming location
DM related routing management, extension mobility, device profile, phone services, priviledge
day10: Unified mobility
unified mobility, mobility connect, mobility voice access, switch between office phone and remote phone
remote destination, remote destination profile, share line based number management, reroute CSS
思科, 电话, 语音本主题由 时光与梦 于 2017-11-3 20:32 删除回复<i>